We welcome you to join us for the 2021 Economic Summit presented by the Tompkins Chamber and Ithaca Area Economic Development.
The Annual Economic Summit provides a snapshot of the local economy, highlighting recent projects and accomplishments of our local business community, and providing perspective from local business leaders about the state of our economy. The event will include thoughtful presentations regarding key local issues and policy affecting the business community, as well as an overview of challenges and opportunities for business and job growth in Tompkins County.
This year we will focus on significant accomplishments from 2020 as our community navigated the public health and economic crises, our shared goals for a sustainable economic recovery, and offer sessions with presentations from area leaders on workforce conditions and needs, our tourism economy, downtown revitalization, and more.
Special presentations by:
Heather McDaniel, CEcD, AICP, EDFP
President & CEO
Ithaca Area Economic Development (IAED)
Jennifer Tavares, CEcD, EDFP
President & CEO
Tompkins Chamber
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Vicki L. Bogan, Associate Professor
Cornell University - SC Johnson School of Business
Geller Family Professor of Applied Economics and Management
Keynote Presentation: Understanding the Racial Wealth Gap: Why Does Racial Wealth Inequality Exist and Why Does It Persist?
Dr. Bogan will discuss the historical context of racial wealth inequality and the continued racial disparities that affect almost every wealth creation opportunity in our society, and will explore specific forms of institutional discrimination that hinder economic advancement and what promising types of community solutions could be put forth to address this critical issue in the U.S.
Breakout Sessions:
Envisioning Tomorrow's Workforce
Presentation & Panel Facilitation by Natalie Branosky
Workforce Development Board Executive Director
Tourism Recovery: A Look into the Future
Presentation & Panel Facilitation by
Peggy Coleman, VP Tourism & CVB Director, Visit Ithaca; Gary Ferguson, Downtown Ithaca Alliance and Dean Zervos, Owner of Simeons American Bistro
Supporting Ithaca’s Startup Ecosystem
Facilitated by Tom Schryver, Executive Director
Cornell University Center for Regional Economic Advancement (CREA)
Featuring: Tom Knipe, City of Ithaca; Chuck Schwerin, Ithaca Area Economic Development; Ken Rother, REV: Ithaca Startup Works
Featured Annual Events

Economic Summit
The Tompkins Chamber presents key local issues impacting local businesses and developers, policy issues impacting the business community, and local insights from participants in a national economic outlook survey. Partnering with Ithaca Area Economic Development (IAED), the event includes important updates about our economy, workforce, upcoming projects, and strategies to move forward and achieve a sustainable economic recovery.

Annual Dinner & Awards
One of the premier business community events of the year, the Annual Meeting highlights the Chamber community and previews the goals and initiatives for the coming year. Come and celebrate the success of our business community and economic development with hundreds of local leaders and elected officials! Join us as we raise a glass to the companies, not-for-profits, and volunteers who partner with us to help our community thrive.

Golf Tournament
This day on the green combines top-notch golf with valuable networking and advertising opportunities. Held at one of the County’s finest and professionally-rated golf courses. Staggered start golf tournament with several prizes, including skins. Lunch and beverages provided.

Business After Hours monthly
See and be seen by the region’s top business executives and small business owners. Locations rotate for each event.