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Name: L.E.A.R.N: COVID-19 Business Readiness Webinar Series - Operations and Human Resources: Last Should Be First
Date: April 21, 2020
Time: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Coronavirus (COVID-19) has arrived in Tompkins County and many businesses are asking critical questions. Questions like: How can we keep our workplaces safe and clean? How can we accommodate changes in employee needs, like having to work remotely? And how might this impact my business and our economy? What can I do to keep my business running?

With strong commitments to community partnership and public impact, the Tompkins Chamber and Cornell University are collaborating to help you answer questions, and carry on with your business throughout this epidemic. Join community and business leaders for a webinar series, hosted by Cornell faculty from the Law School and the SC Johnson College of Business, offering best practices and answering questions on health, safety and business considerations, and the economy as a whole. 

The next webinar in our COVID-19 Business Readiness series will focus on Operations and Human Resources hosted by Neil Tarallo, Sr. Lecturer at the Cornell University S.C. Johnson College of Business Hotel School. 

During the final webinar in this four part mini series, Neil will discuss specific strategies that will help you navigate your business through these challenging times. Specific strategies will include:

• Managing human resources during times of crisis
• Operations in a changing environment
• A different look at capacity
• Series wrap-up

The format of the webinar will be a 30 minute presentation of information followed by a 30 minute Q&A.

Please feel free to visit the Chamber's COVID-19 Business Resources page where you will find up to date information and tools to help you, your business/organization, and your employees. Additional information can also be found on the new Cornell CALS COVID-19 site where they are maintaining a FAQs page that is monitored and updated constantly.

Please feel free to visit the Chamber's COVID-19 Business Resources page where you will find up to date information and tools to help you, your business/organization, and your employees. Additional information can also be found on the new Cornell CALS COVID-19 site where they are maintaining a FAQs page that is monitored and updated constantly.


Event Media:
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 493 350 674

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Date/Time Information:
Tuesday April 21st, 2020
12:00 Noon - 1:00 PM EST
Contact Information:
Please contact David Walton with any registration questions

Registration is required and a $10 fee is suggested.  

If you are able to, please consider making a donation to the Tompkins Chamber Foundation to support our work and our members during this difficult time. Recognizing the importance of the Chamber’s events, programming, and information sharing to our 700+ members, we have created a fund to support those members struggling most from the impacts of the Coronavirus. Donate to the Chamber Member Support fundraising campaign through the Tompkins Chamber Foundation.

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