Monday 2 to 6 PM
Thursday 4 to 7 PM
All other services by appointment.
The Ithaca Health Alliance, through the operation of the Ithaca Free Clinic provides the following FREE services for uninsured and underinsured members of our community:
*Walk-In Medical Clinics providing Free primary health care, medical testing, women’s health services,and employment physicals for the uninsured;
*Chronic Care Program services targeting at-risk individuals who need help managing persistent pain, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure and other chronic conditions; *Financial Advocacy providing help finding creative solutions to relieving financial debt for those struggling to keep up with medical bills;
*Ithaca Health Fund offering grants to those needing help affording diagnostic tests, treatments and prescriptions; *Insurance Navigation providing help in qualifying and enrolling uninsured individuals in various Medicaid plans;
*Holistic Health Care Services that include chiropractic, therapeutic massage, herbal therapy, and acupuncture;
*Occupational Therapy in partnership with Ithaca College; *Food Pharmacy providing Registered Dietician services and free healthy food support;
*Prescription Medication Support providing assistance in obtaining free or low-cost prescription medications like insulin;
*Optometry Clinic and Optician Services offering free dilated eye exams and glaucoma screenings and free prescription eyeglasses;
*Community Health Education providing free community chronic disease health screenings, educational seminars, lectures and open houses to deliver crucial health information to our community.
All services are FREE.
The Free Clinic is located at 521 W Seneca St., Ithaca, NY 14851. All Services are FREE.