- Non-Profits
- Senior Services
Aging in Community: Love Living at Home (LLH) fosters “independence together” by supporting older people who want to live at home as long as possible. We enrich the lives of Tompkins County seniors through mutual support, social engagement, and connections to local resources.
LLH seeks to improve access to services, increase socialization and civic engagement, and strengthen a sense of community among its participants. It is a mixture of taking what the community already offers and creating a 'one call does it all'' consolidated services provider. LLH does not duplicate existing resources, but helps seniors move through the maze of options. Trained volunteers will deliver services such as transportation to appointments, home maintenance coordination, personal well-being assistance, grocery shopping, chores and errands, friendly visits and phone calls. Seniors living at home have peace of mind knowing that one phone call can connect them to the support that they need.
- Senior Services
- Non-Profits
- Community Organizations
Whom to Contact
- Ella BrooksServices Coordinator
- Thena LindhorstExecutive Director