Senior Care, Dementia Care, Geriatric Care Management, Home Care, Skilled Nursing, Companionship, Tompkins County, Ithaca, Transportation, Safety, Home Care, Elder Care, Nursing, Medication Management
Longview has served Tompkins county and surrounding areas since 1974. We offer independent living (patio homes/apts) and assisted living in addition to the only social Adult Day Program in the county.
Aging in Community: Love Living at Home (LLH) fosters “independence together” by supporting older people who want to live at home as long as possible. We enrich the lives of Tompkins County seniors through mutual support, social engagement, and connections to local resources.
The Y is a charitable organization; offering our local community programming and services centered around our areas of impact: youth development, healthy living, and socially responsibility.
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124 Brindley Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 – (607) 273-7080 –