The Advocacy Center is dedicated to providing support, advocacy and education for survivors, friends, and families of domestic violence, and sexual assault in Tompkins County.
CHWC is a child welfare agency. Tompkins Tioga Youth ACT addresses the significant needs of youth with significant psychiatric needs, who are at risk of institutional level of care.
Ithaca Children’s Garden is an award-winning 3-acre public children’s garden designed for kids, enjoyed by all, and driven by a mission to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards.
Ithaca Community Recovery is a not-for-profit corporation that provides safe, affordable, and drug/alcohol free meeting and event space for 12 Step and other recovery oriented groups.
The Ithaca Health Alliance's mission is to facilitate access to health care for all, with a focus on the needs of uninsured & underinsured persons through the operation of the Ithaca Free Clinic.
IMS is a private, nonprofit school providing more than 100 children with a Montessori education. Our classroom are designed to facilitate learning through all the senses while fostering independence
Aging in Community: Love Living at Home (LLH) fosters “independence together” by supporting older people who want to live at home as long as possible. We enrich the lives of Tompkins County seniors through mutual support, social engagement, and connections to local resources.
St. James AME Zion Church, built in 1833, is the oldest church structure in Ithaca. It was a stop on the Underground Railroad and was frequented by Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass.
Helping people meet their immediate, basic needs while creating lasting change by strengthening the three building blocks for a good life: education, financial stability and health.
The Y is a charitable organization; offering our local community programming and services centered around our areas of impact: youth development, healthy living, and socially responsibility.
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124 Brindley Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 – (607) 273-7080 –